Huisartsenpraktijk Huijsman

Information about our practice in English

About us

In a life threatening situation, call us during operating hours on 010 416 07 17, option 1, or call 112.

In any other case, you can contact us by calling 010 416 07 17

You will be able to choose an option:

1. Life threatening emergency

2. Refill prescription, you can also refill your prescription on

3. Scheduling an appointment or requesting a house visit by a doctor. Please call us between 08:00 and 10:30 for scheduling matters.

4. Other questions, for example requesting your lab results. Please call us between 13:15 and 16:00 to get more information about lab results.

The physician will be answering the phone between 11:00 and 11:30. For medical questions, it is recommended to call during this time.

Team meeting: 11:30 – 12:00, you can only reach us for emergent situations.

Lunch: 12:30 – 13:15, you can only reach us for emergent situations.

Between 16:00 and 17:00, we request that you only call in case of emergency.

After 17:00, on the weekend and on statutory holidays, you are advised to contact Huisartsenpost Ruwaard (Spijkenisse Medisch Centrum) on 0181 – 627055.

Are you new to the Netherlands and unfamiliar with the concept of GP/huisarts? Check Thuisarts, they provide you with resources and information about how healthcare works in the Netherlands, as well as answer to FAQ. The Dutch version of this website offers a lot of information on specific diseases or symptoms and how to manage them, when to call a doctor or go to the emergency room and information on what you can do and look out for at home. We recommend visiting this website on a PC and translate the Dutch pages to English. The information on this website is reliable and fact checked by doctors

Our team  

Our team consists of General Practicioner/Family Medicine specialist doctor Paul Huijsman, medical secretary Tania. Medical secretaries can also do a PAP smear, rinse out the ear canal, inject B12, remove warts and help take care of wounds.

We have a chronic disease specialist, Anita Sterrenberg. She supports our patients with diabetes, COPD, heart and vascular disease and asthma. Saskia is our mental health specialist, Sophie is our youth & family specialist. Nadia manages operational and organisational business.

We are an accredited, licensed practice. We regularly have a family medicine resident, medical student or medical secretary intern. A family medicine resident (AIOS) is a licensed physician who is specializing in the field of family medicine. They are able (and allowed) to independently see and diagnose patients. A medical student is studying to become a doctor, they are not allowed to diagnose patients without supervision of a licensed physician.


If you find yourself unsatisfied with our service, please let us know. We take complaints seriously and our goal is to resolve any conflict or dissatisfaction as soon as possible. If we do not manage to resolve the complaint, you can file an offical complaint with the SKGE, see for more information.

Insight in your medical file on

On you can take charge of your health, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

On you can:

  • Make an appointment,
  • Ask your doctor a question ,
  • Send a message to our team with a change of address, phone number our e-mailaddress.
  • Send a picture to your doctor,
  • View your labresults,
  • Request or refill a prescription,
  • Print a pharamaceutical passport,
  • Have insights in your medical file.

If you already use, you can simply log in through the link using your digiD to access your file. is also accessible on your mobile phone. Download app ‘MedGemak’.

Do you have questions or do you require further assistance? Check the FAQ , here, you can also find videos on how to use

If you need any help, don’t hesitate to contact us, it’d be our pleasure to help you.

Landelijk Schakel Punt

It is possible that your GP will need to share your information with other healthcare providers, for example, if you visit the emergency room and the healthcare team needs to access your file in order to help you safely and accurately. Sharing your (medical) information happens through Landelijk Schakel Punt (LSP), or in English: National Exchange Point.

More information on consenting to this exchange? On you can find information on what the LSP does and how privacy is taken into consideration.